Top 10 Video Game Series I SHOULD Like

Let’s face it- if you’re reading this, you probably also like video games. And if you like video games, you probably don’t have time to get to all the ones you’d like to play. AND if you don’t get to all the games you’d like to play, you PROBABLY have entire series (plural) of games that you’d love to try, but sadly lack the time or willingness to jump into!

That’s going to be my topic today- identifying the different series of video games that, for some reason or another, I haven’t waded into beyond a toe-dip. Okay, maybe knee-deep in some places, but never up to the waist. Tired of swimming jokes? Fine. Let’s dive in 😉

Final Fantasy

Let’s start with a banger- the biggest JRPG franchise of all time! I’ve been told my numerous people throughout my life that I seem like “a Final Fantasy guy.” I take that as a compliment, given the in-depth characters, complex narratives, and innovation with each new title. However, I’ve only ever played 6 and 7, and 7 in particular remains the only title of the series I’ve finished. It’s not even that I dislike the ones I’ve played- I had a great time with the ones I did play! The games just don’t hook me the same way that the much simpler, whimsical, cartoony Dragon Quest series does.


I have so many good friends that have done their due diligence AND BEYOND trying to get me to start the Persona series, particular with the recent release of Persona 3 Reload. The game sounds like a pure delight- JRPG hijinks, dungeon-crawling, creature summons, social sim elements, and homework (okay, maybe not that last one). One of these days I will give these games a proper try!


Horizon makes for an interesting point on this list. You see, I’ve played Zero Dawn from start to finish. I also started up Forbidden West and put several hours into the opening areas. I love the robo-dinosaurs, the weapon variety, and the games are absolutely beautiful, but there is something about the formula of Horizon that makes the game feel less “fun” to me and more “chore.” I think a big part of this is the lack of downtime while exploring- you have to always remain on-guard for new monsters and can’t just enjoy a proper stroll without the fear of death looming over you.

God of War

Both the classic AND modern games of this brutal series have always slipped past me. I know they’re right up my alley with the mythology tie-ins and over-the-top violence, but I’ve just never made the time to join Kratos on his god-slaying journeys. At this point I would likely just prioritize the newest games, God of War (2018) and Ragnarok, even though I know the story ties back to the original trilogy. I’ve only got so much time, ya know?! 😛

Monster Hunter

Another long-running RPG series that has always sat right off to the side for me. The core gameplay loop of MH sounds so appealing- gear up and eat up, then venture out into beautiful vistas to track down giant, deadly beasties! And then you can use their remains to fashion bigger and better equipment? That sounds like a damn good time! Unfortunately, it’s just one of those series that has always taken a back-seat to whatever else came out at the time.


These games give off the spirit of Deadpool- irreverant, goofy, over-the-top violence, and pure chaos: all ingredients that practically shout “BRINK, PLAY ME!” While I have played through the first game, I’ve never felt compelled to return to the second or third ones. I feel like I’ve already experienced what the series has to offer. Maybe I’m mistaken and the next ones are absolutely incredible, but it would take a Psycho to drag me back.

Metal Gear Solid

Stealth games are not my typical fare for video games, but I did have an incredible time with the Dishonored series and Tenchu. It feels like a crime that I haven’t taken time to drop into Hideo Kojima’s critically-acclaimed series, featuring the iconic Solid Snake (among others). The early games of the series were recently re-released on modern consoles, so perhaps the inspiration to jump in will sneak up on me soon beneath a cardboard box.


I love a good action game as much as the next person- the pulse-pounding battles, running for my life, dodging traps, and all the other fun gimmicks! But Uncharted has never gripped my attention because it’s…well, it’s grounded in reality. I know insane things happen and I’ve heard the story and characters are delightful, but I’d rather have insane swordfights and magic fests over gunfights and car-chases. I know, I know- I’m a hypocrite because Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of my favorite games of last gen. But it is what it is 🙂

The Last of Us

Wow, Naughty Dog AGAIN? Yep. TLOU is a duology that I genuinely have wanted to play for quite a while, but have never found or made the time for. I’m always feeling something else when I have the free time to get to it, and it doesn’t help that the story has already been spoiled for me (which I’m not mad about- the game has been out for YEARS!). Some day I’m sure I will get to these games, but don’t hold your breath! It will probably be a while still.

Mass Effect

To me, this feels like the biggest crime of the bunch. I’m a sucker for BioWare’s Dragon Age games and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and have played through all of these at least twice for the “good” and “bad” paths. However, despite trying to immerse myself in Mass Effect two different times, it just hasn’t kept me invested the way I’d hoped it would. It could be my preference for fantasy over science-fiction, or the stiffer, military-styled interactions of Mass Effect versus the unhinged responses I can give in Dragon Age. There may still be a day when I “feel” Mass Effect again and pick up where I left off, but until then, the Normandy is staying grounded.

There you have it- my video game walk of shame. I hope we can still be friends :’)

What about you? Is there a particular series that has eluded you over the years, despite seeming like it fits your taste?

Thank you for reading and hope to hear about your experiences too! Take care!


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