Pokémon 25: Ranking the Generations of Pokémon Games

Pokémon has been a part of our lives for 25 years as of this very day of posting! Am I the only one thinking how crazy that is? It has been a pleasure to revel in my own nostalgia and memories these past few weeks with you all! I truly have no clue how many … Continue reading Pokémon 25: Ranking the Generations of Pokémon Games

Nostalgia- Pokémon Red and Blue

Every gamer has a story of that one special title that yanked them headfirst into the deep: that single experience that opened the door for all the epic adventures that have taken place since that initial foray. A gateway game, if you will. It just so happens that I have two, and I first played … Continue reading Nostalgia- Pokémon Red and Blue