Super Sunshine Blogger Award #2!

Apparently my recent return to the Brink of Gaming made some waves (or at least a few small ripples) in the ocean of the internet. It was phenomenal getting back in the saddle during Pokémon's 25th Anniversary month and throwing out bi-weekly content centered around one of my favorite video game franchises, but it was … Continue reading Super Sunshine Blogger Award #2!

Liebster Award Questionnaire from Frostilyte

Hi all! We’re back with another tag post, on which I'm slowly catching up. This time we’ve got the Liebster award which was created for the following: It’s an award in which bloggers nominate other bloggers for showing respect to their works and their dedication. It’s an appreciation and recognition for all the fellow bloggers out there in the blogosphere! Rules: Write … Continue reading Liebster Award Questionnaire from Frostilyte