—— Welcome to My Blog! ——

Hey there! I’m Brink. I’ve been a fan of video games ever since I learned how to read…no, literally, my mom wouldn’t let me play until I learned how to read! Needless to say, it motivated me to quickly learn my letters so I could go on those sweet adventures through the Mushroom Kingdom with Mario.

But just as much as gaming itself, I love talking about it. Gameplay. Music. Theories. The culture. I could spend each and every day discussing this engrossing medium with others who share my passion. And that’s why I’m here. To connect with you, the reader, who hopefully shares in this interest since you clicked the link to…well…The Brink of GAMING.

So please, check out the different areas of my site: Reviews, Top 10 Lists, Opinions, etc. Be sure to follow the site so you can stay up to date on my latest posts, and feel free to join in on discussions with comments and thoughts of your own! I’m hear to talk WITH you, not AT you! But above all else, I hope you enjoy your time here. Game on!